
  • Gravity


    In April of 1970, a team of engineers, astronauts, and support personnel put the finishing touches on the Apollo XIII mission.  Their aim was to be the third crew to land on the moon, but the lunar landing was aborted when, two days into the mission, an oxygen tank failed due to the ignition of…

  • Dreams


    I’ve had some weird dreams lately. I dreamt that Lin-Manuel Miranda and I had coffee and we danced in the street and he brought me into a ticket booth and got me on-stage seating for Les Miserables that night. I dreamt that Jose Andres and Tina Fey almost came to fisticuffs in the street, but…

  • House


    I am dreaming of a new house. I had a literal dream a couple of months ago, and in it I was so peaceful and happy that it’s now the place I go to in my mind when my mind needs a place to go. The house is the exact floor plan of a home…

  • Savasana

    I woke up from a bone-chilling nightmare and got ready for a morning yoga class. Still shaking from the all too real dream, it was impossible to leave all of my thoughts outside the room, as our instructor had suggested. I carried that thing with me through warm-ups, sun salutations, warrior poses, triangles, and spinal…

  • Hope in Growth Under the Surface – (in)courage

    Hope in Growth Under the Surface – (in)courage

    I’m no gardener, but this past October I planted tulip bulbs in the ground and shared more from the batch with some dear friends. As winter approached, I bought amaryllis bulbs, planted two in pots, and gave away still more. I wasn’t looking for a new hobby, and I don’t revel working in the dirt.…

  • My Mom, a month later

    My good friend, Courtney, lost her mother about a year before I lost mine and she recommended I write to process some of what I’m feeling lately.  It occurred to me that I haven’t really written about anything in a long time, which is rare for me.  I have felt overwhelming fatigue and I have…