About Me

I’m so happy to meet you here. I’m a cradle Catholic writer and podcaster, preschool music teacher, music minister, and empty-nesting Mom to two wonderfully grown kids. I have written for years on the ways in which we can find God in our everyday lives, and in 2020 started Raised Catholic, a weekly podcast to make space for people like me who want relationship with God but who are sometimes frustrated with some of the louder public voices in the American church.

Raised Catholic is for anyone and everyone who finds themselves on the margins of church, out the doors entirely, or who are just sitting in pews wondering if there’s more to the experience of faith than what they hear from the pulpit or in Catholic media. (Spoiler: There So Is.) I firmly believe it’s our responsibility and opportunity to explore and own our faith lives for ourselves, and that God meets us exactly where we are at every step along our path. 

My work has appeared in Take Heart: 100 Devotions to Seeing God When Life’s Not Okay, Common Horizon – An Exploration of Catholic Social Teaching, (in)courage, Where Peter Is, Guideposts, and more. I love a long walk with a podcast in my ears, taking too many pictures of the sky and flowers, creating the perfect balanced bite of food, ecumenism, yoga, singing a harmony line, musical theatre, and connecting with friends. I live in the suburbs of Boston with my husband and the best dog in the world, Bailey.

I’m so happy you’re here.