
  • time

    it marches when I wish it would bend and loop and stop even in just one room while the rest marches on without me collect it in a pocket spend it or save wind it around dream for a day while the clock quietly slows and a single day stretches and my heart finds a…

  • It’s a Boy!

    I passed balloons tied to a lamppost while walking my dog on the eve of my son’s 18th birthday. Someone in the neighborhood had recently had a baby, and the sight of those “It’s a Boy!” swaying balloons immediately brought me back to when we brought Brian home from the hospital. The lead up to…

  • Best Worst Mass

      “That was the best worst Mass,” my daughter said at the conclusion of a morning that was filled with mistakes. And she was right. As music ministers during the busy Advent season, we grapple with new Mass parts and seasonal music and we do our best to bring a prayerful spirit to what we…

  • Number Line

    When I was seven or so, we worked with number lines in school, and I remember loving the fluidity of those lines rising above the order and rigidity of the numbers and tick marks at the bottom. I wouldn’t have used those words then, of course. At the time, I would have just said those…

  • Just Show Up

    As I read stories from Kara and Jill about people who Just Show Up on the Mundane Faithfulness blog (http://www.mundanefaithfulness.com/home/2015/10/1/grace-dress-take-two-guest-post-by-jill-buteyn), I couldn’t help but think of my friend who has shown up for me for over twenty years. She has known me through all of the phases and stages, and continually supports and loves me…

  • Coach

    It was a perfect Fall morning with bright blue skies, and our team’s cross country coach was zipping back and forth on the course, covering checkpoint after checkpoint. We’ve seen him do this many times before in our years as xc parents. He darts from one part of the course to the next, and offers…

  • A Wake

    When I was a kid, my Dad was always going to wakes. With a stressful day job, three-and-then-four baby girls at home, two sick parents, and an overall busy life, he would frequently drive an hour to attend a wake for five minutes and then drive home. I never understood all of the effort, until…

  • Breathe

    I have a love-hate relationship with my phone. When my daughter was called into the dentist this morning , I did what 98% of us probably do when we’re waiting, or find ourselves with a stretch of free time…I picked up my phone and started scrolling through text messages, emails, facebook, and I was immediately…

  • Adopted

    my dog is adopted she had a whole life before this and she used to shake and shudder and not eat and not walk in those early days with us then she barked at passers-by apparently concerned about her safety or mine and I couldn’t understand it because I knew she was safe but she…

  • More grocery store wisdom

    “I really like your hair,” said Beth, the woman working the grocery checkout, and I did not know what to say. All Summer long (truthfully, all life long), my hair has been my nemesis.  I’ve bought products, scoured hair-care websites using the search terms ‘frizz’, ‘curly’ and ‘help’.  I’ve ‘plomped’, deep-conditioned, dried with a t-shirt,…